Hello All,

A customer asked about a week ago if working old-timer tailing piles was a good idea.  To be honest, drywasher tailing piles are some of the easiest places to find a nugget.  The old-timers have already done all the work.  They dug up the material, processed it through their drywashers and anything larger than their classifier screen was lost or screen off.  If there were nuggets available and larger then the screen size, the nuggets are now sitting right in the tailing piles waiting for a metal detectorist to scan over them.

Over the years I have found hundreds of nuggets ranging from small to large nuggets in these piles.  Make sure you know how to ID them in the field as some can very very old and almost flat.  Scanning enough of these piles will be rewarding at some point.

Wishing you much success on your next hunt!

Questions – post back here or send us an email through the site.

Rob Allison
Rob’s Detector Sales